Cleaning up after the Holidays - Lavender Oriental Carpets

Cleaning up after the Holidays

Christmas has come around fast again this year and if you  are entertaining at home, now is the time to make sure you do not have any spills, or mess left on your precious rugs.

The most important thing to do when you have a spill, is to react immediately and not to leave it till later. The more you can do straight away, the less the problem will be.

Wine, food or whatever !!! clean it fast, below is a list of what could happen and our suggestions to clean the problem.

If you have a question email us, we will try and help.

A Happy and Healthy New Year to all our clients. We appreciate you and your business and look forward to us all having another successful year.

Below are a few tips for Rug Care and Cleaning

StainCleaning Method
AcidsDetergent/white vinegar
Alcoholic beveragesDetergent/White vinegar or cleaning fluid
Ammonia or AlkaliDetergent/White vinegar
Ball-point pen inkMethylated spirits or turpentine
BeerDetergent/White vinegar
BleachDetergent/White vinegar
BloodDetergent/White vinegar or Starch Paste
Burning cigaretteBrush off with a hard edge
ButterCleaning fluid
CandyDetergent/White vinegar or scrape and vacuum
Cellulose paintAcetone
Chewing gumDetergent/White vinegar or cleaning fluid
ChocolateDetergent/White vinegar or cleaning fluid
CosmeticsDetergent/White vinegar or cleaning fluid
CrayonDetergent/White vinegar or cleaning fluid or scrape and vacuum
EggDetergent/White vinegar
Fat and OilTissue and iron, then cleaning fluid (Do not use iron after solvent)
Fruit and juicesDetergent/White vinegar
Furniture polishDetergent/White vinegar or cleaning fluid*
GrassMethylated spirits
GravyDetergent/White vinegar or cleaning fluid
GreaseCleaning fluid or scrape & vacuum
Household cementDetergent/White vinegar or cleaning fluid*
Ice creamDetergent/White vinegar or cleaning fluid*
InkWater only
JamLukewarm water
LipstickDetergent/White vinegar or cleaning fluid*
MedicineCall a reputable cleaner
Metal polishDetergent/White vinegar or cleaning fluid*
MildewCall a reputable cleaner
MilkDetergent/White vinegar or cleaning fluid*
MudDetergent/White vinegar
MustardDetergent/White vinegar
Nail polishPolish Remover*
OilsCleaning fluid
PaintDetergent/White vinegar or cleaning fluid*
PerfumeDetergent/White vinegar or cleaning fluid*
Permanent inkCall a reputable cleaner
RustCall a reputable cleaner
Salad dressingDetergent/White vinegar or cleaning fluid*
SaucesDetergent/White vinegar or cleaning fluid*
Shoe polishDetergent/White vinegar or cleaning fluid or scrape and vacuum
SootVacuum, then cleaning fluid
TarCleaning fluid
TeaDetergent/White vinegar
VomitDetergent/White vinegar or cleaning fluid
WaxCleaning fluid or scrape & vacuum
WineDetergent/White vinegar or cleaning fluid
If recommended procedure is not effective call a reputable cleaner. Some stains are so complex that they should be treated by someone with a knowledge of textile chemistry. Don’t wait for annual cleaning. It may be too late to remove the stain.
We do not guarantee the methods but we do consider them as effective and reliable.

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